Bernie and the Captain's Ghost

ISBN: 9789766381011

For Ages: 8-10 years

  • Hazel D. Campbell

In this exciting story, six orphans find out that a friendly invitation to spend their holidays in rural St Elizabeth leads them into mystery and adventure at every turn. Who is the mysterious Captain? Why is his ghost haunting the area? What are the secrets hidden at Bottom House in Green Valley? Who are the sinister men lurking around and what are they up to? The answers to these questions turn out to be pretty scary as the children move from one hair-raising adventure to another.

Key Features:

  • This is an adventure story, the genre familiar to and loved by many 8 - 12 year-old readers. The plot has many surprising twists and turns to keep the reader interested.
  • The main character, Bernie is disabled, as are the other five children in the adventure. Their disabilities, how they overcome obstacles, and the interaction between them help to add depth to the story
  • Their interaction with the adults in the story is realistic. These adults are sometimes quite humourous.
  • The language of the stories is mostly standard English, but, for authenticity, the dialogue represents the Creole spoken by many Jamaicans
  • The setting is rural Jamaica.
  • There is a glossary which explains words and phrases which might be unfamiliar to some readers



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