Bintah Takes a Trip

ISBN: 9789766381639

For Ages: 3-6 years

  • Ihenyen Ejodame

In the Bintah Takes a Trip storybook/reader, Bintah and her friend Oni go on a wonderful adventure to find a lost unicorn's parents. Bintah and Oni travel to a number of places and meet several fascinating characters. Through the different adventures, the reader is introduced in endearing ways to the numerals 1 to 10, thus making this a numeracy story.

The book is full-colour with images lavishly displayed on coated paper. The finish of the paper helps to enhance the glossiness of the images. Children 3 to 4 years old can listen and read along, while children 5 to 6 years can read on their own.

Key Features:

  • Colourful illustrations
  • Glossy paper
  • Content touches on topics suitable for the age group
  • Word list at the back


Other books in the Bintah series:

Meet Bintah

How Bintah Got Her Jewels 

Bintah and the Hungry Giants



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